WebsiteBaker Modules, Snippets, Admin-Tools


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ShortURL is the solution to make WebsiteBaker work without the /pages/ directory and the .php extention in the generated url's.

Version 4.0
License GPL
Latest add-ons update 2016-11-22 08:35 UTC
Download Counter 720
Developer Ruud
Developer Homepage Click here to visit
Documentation Url Click here to visit
Addon type Snippet
Category Various
WebsiteBaker Version 2.8.x (minimum)
PHP Version 5.5.x
Forum Discussion (EN) Click here to visit
Download Not available Back

ShortURL is the solution to make WebsiteBaker work without the /pages/ directory and the .php extention in the generated url's.

WebsiteBaker uses the /pages/ directory to prevent problems that can arise with system directories like /admin and /media.

Removing the /pages using the settings pagin in WebsiteBaker will work ok, but when you (or your webmaster) creates a page called "admin" or "media" problems will start. These directories are in use by the WebsiteBaker core and could be overwritten or completely removed by the CMS itself.

Using a seperate directory is therefore highly recomendable.

This solution will still use the /pages/ directory, but it will be hidden for the visitors.

The solution has 3 parts.

A droplet that will rewrite all generated links into the new format.
A .htaccess file that will capture the url's and redirect them to a special script.
A script that will make sure the correct page is shown.

For a full explanation and download, go to

Release history

- fixed WebsiteBaker news feed
- A few security enhancements
- Better 404 handling
- Google_sitemaps.php included
- htaccess makes sitemap.xml available

Last change 2021-03-09 17:37 UTC by WebsiteBaker Addons Project