WebsiteBaker Modules, Snippets, Admin-Tools

WebsiteBaker 2.10.0 stable (gz)

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WB approved Complete WB-Packages

WebsiteBaker 2.10.0 stable (gz)
License GPL
Latest add-ons update 2017-03-04 08:51 UTC
Download Counter 1525
Developer Luisehahne
Addon type Complete WB-Packages
Category Full Package
WebsiteBaker Version 2.10.0 (minimum)
PHP Version 5.6.x
Download Not available Back

WB-2.10.0 is the successor version of 2.8.3. It is a complete package and contains everything that has been published in the context of the 2.8.3 Core since it was tagged in the year 2009.
An upgrade is possible from all of the 2.8.3 versions. But never from earlier ones versions before 2.8.3

The most important changes in and from the 2.10.0 core

* supports PHP versions from 5.6 up to 7.1. Older versions of PHP are no longer supported!
* Consistently supports the UTF-8 character set
* A more stable upgrade script with significantly more and more detailed system checks.
* A new logging system was implemented, which already documents many errors (not all yet) in a log file.
* from now on the development of WB can be followed again by means of Redmine in our repository.
* our Redmine ticket system ist already open again for registered users.

Last change 2017-03-04 08:51 UTC by WebsiteBaker Addons Project