WebsiteBaker Modules, Snippets, Admin-Tools

Hello World

user rating: average score 3.8, by 13 votesaverage score 3.8, by 13 votesaverage score 3.8, by 13 votesaverage score 3.8, by 13 votesaverage score 3.8, by 13 votes (click to vote)

Hello World

Example module that can be used to create new modules

Version 0.6.1
License GPL
Latest add-ons update 2018-02-18 13:48 UTC
Download Counter 3726
Developer Christian Sommer
Documentation Url Click here to visit
Addon type Page Module
Category Various
WebsiteBaker Version 2.7.0 (minimum)
Download Not available Back

All files contained in the module archive provides comments which explain it's purpose and the variables or functions used. The module covers the main concepts like exchange of data from the database, usage of optional CSS or Javascript module files up to multilingual text output in back- and frontend. Where required, basic recommendations for security measures to prevent SQL-Injections or XSS attacks are provided.

Release history

v0.61 (Jacobi22; 04 Feb, 2018)
- remove some multi dimensional language indizes
+ add own Changelog-File

v0.60 (Christian Sommer; 04 Apr, 2008)
+ updated module to use the edit CSS functions introduced with the WB 2.7 core (only shows up if WB 2.7 or higher is used)

v0.52 (Christian Sommer; 03 Apr, 2008)
+ updated edit CSS functions to include module backend.css into the instead of section if possible v0.51 (Christian Sommer; 02 Apr, 2008)
+ some code clean-up

v0.50 (Christian Sommer; 30 Mar, 2008)
+ fixed wrong handling of stripslashes and $wb->strip_slashes(), thanks to thorn
+ added ` quotes for all DB queries table names and fields to prevent issues with MySQL special chars like -
+ added support for multi-lingual module description introduced with WB 2.7
+ changed mechanism to prevent files from beeing accessed directly (redirect instead off displaying an error message)

Last change 2012-09-06 13:50 UTC by Uwe Jacobsen