Release history
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* based on the Accordion-Module from Nibz, some fixes by hgs, dbs, jacobi22
v.2.7.6 (jacobi22: 22.12.2024)
+ remove w3-tiny from all templates
+ remove (the letter) a from overview-template - was displayed sometime between the MOVE-Arrows
.2.7.5 (jacobi22: 21.12.2024)
+ fix (remove nl2br from Content)
+ remove a from output template
v.2.7.4 (jacobi22: 16.09.2024)
+ fix (thx to dbs for report)
+ change Twig-file to responsive output in backend
v.2.7.3 (jacobi22: 12.09.2024)
+ add missing variable-definition in global definition of script-variables in (thx to dbs for report)
v.2.7.2 (jacobi22: 16.05.2023)
+ remove double path in view.php (thx to LudwigSt for report)
v.2.7.1 (jacobi22: 15.05.2023)
+ add question-id to sql-request (thx to hgs for report)
+ change install-struct.sql.php to new method from WB (thx to hgs for report)
v.2.7.0 (jacobi22: 16.03.2023)
+ correct typofix in (thx to hgs for report)
+ change methode, to bind language variables in twig (thx to paulchen for report)
v.2.6.9 - 10.Mar 2023 - Jacobi22
+ fix URL to move items in the list
+ fix missing translate class in
v.2.6.8 - 08.Mar 2023 - Jacobi22
+ add some section anchors to overview page
+ add css-class in frontend-default.css
+ change language variables to translate class
v.2.6.7 - 07.Mar 2023 - Jacobi22
+ fix some editor problems in multiple sections
v.2.6.6 - 03.Mar 2023 - Jacobi22 (thx to ruebenwurzel for testing & report)
+ fix
+ change editor inclusion - use the default ckeditor now
- remove unneeded files in themes/ckeditor_setting
- remove unneeded header & footer in both templates
v.2.6.5 - 01.Mar 2023 - Jacobi22 (thx to ruebenwurzel for testing & report)
+ fix upgrade - overwrite template table, but not needed
+ fix template issue - use also inactive templates
v.2.6.4 - 27.Feb 2023 - Jacobi22 (thx to ruebenwurzel for testing & report) - something was wrong with the ZIP-File, maybe the wrong files
+ add switch to disable wysiwyg-Editor
+ replace all with html5-conform
- remove W3-CSS from frontend-folder, not needed as separate files, is included in wB-Core
v.2.6.3 - 25.Feb 2023 - Jacobi22 (thx to ruebenwurzel for testing & report)
+ add switch to disable wysiwyg-Editor
+ replace all with html5-conform
- remove W3-CSS from frontend-folder, not needed as separate files, is included in wB-Core
v.2.6.2 - 25.Feb 2023 - Jacobi22 (thx to hgs for testing & report)
+ add missing language variable in Savecss (thx to dbs for testing & report)
+ change visual Output for Yes-No-Question (thx to dbs for testing & report)
+ add multiple sessions functions (thx to dbs for testing & report)
+ add one more condition to disable Drag&Drop (thx to dbs for testing & report)
v.2.6.1 - 25.Feb 2023 - Jacobi22 (thx to hgs for testing & report)
+ add missing {TABLE_PREFIX} in install_data.sql.php (thx to dbs and ruebenwurzel for testing & report)
v.2.6.0 - 24.Feb 2023 - Jacobi22 (thx to hgs for testing & report)
+ add help-text for template-editor
+ fix output via toggle-function in frontend (thx to dbs for testing & report)
+ add media-queries for menu-buttons on smaller screens) & change language variable (thx to dbs for testing & report)
+ add another condition to switch on/off Drag&Drop in DESC-Order-method (thx to dbs for testing & report)
v.2.5.9 - 23.Feb 2023 - Jacobi22 (thx to hgs for testing & report)
+ add info-field & button in Overview to inform about switchable Drag&Drop
v.2.5.8 - 22.Feb 2023 - Jacobi22 (thx to hgs for testing & report)
+ change some code in install_struct.php / needed in PHP 8.2.x
v.2.5.7 - 22.Feb 2023 - Jacobi22 (thx to hgs for testing & report)
+ add translation for english & netherlands via Deepl
+ check templates-table before install the template
v.2.5.6 - 22.Feb 2023 - Jacobi22 (thx to hgs for testing & report)
+ Drag&Drop only for descending sort method possible
+ change format in Itemoverview (add one more condition to display the content in only one line/ item)
v.2.5.5 - 22.Feb 2023 - Jacobi22
+ fix editor missing SYSVAR
+ change format in Itemoverview (only one line/ item)
v.2.5.4 - 21.Feb 2023 - Jacobi22
+ fix - forgot section-id in settings
v.2.5.3 - 21.Feb 2023 - Jacobi22
+ fix / overwrite old settings with default (thx to hgs for testing & report)
v.2.5.2 - 20.Feb 2023 - Jacobi22
+ fix (thx to hgs for testing & report)
v.2.5.1 - 20.Feb 2023 - Jacobi22
+ add missing {TABLE_PREFIX} in install_data.sql.php (thx to hgs for testing & report)
v.2.5.0 - 19.Feb 2023 - Jacobi22
+ use new module concept
+ change sort method for item (thx to hgs for reporting)
+ add editable output template
+ add CSS-Editing
+ add Ajax to sort items, change activity status and delete-functions
* sortable via Question, Position or modified-date
v2.3.4 - 16.Feb 2023 - Jacobi22
+ add sort method for items (reported on,32161.0.html)
....+ fix delete sections
....+ fix some problems for MySQL-Strict-Mode
+ change outdated mysql_error in upgrade.php
v2.3.3 - 10. Apr 2021 - dbs
! changed path from admin/images to theme/images
+ some strict changes
v2.3.2 - 19. Oct 2019 - dbs
+ add a delete.php for remove accordion settings from db if a accordion section was deleted
- strict mode changes in add.php and save_settings
v2.3.1 - 25. Jan 2018 - hgs
- in view.php line 60 comment // $wb->preprocess($content);
- add $MODIFY_SETTINGS['SETTINGS'] in language files DE.php, NL.php und EN.php