WebsiteBaker Modules, Snippets, Admin-Tools

User Statistics & User Search

user rating: average score 3.3, by 4 votesaverage score 3.3, by 4 votesaverage score 3.3, by 4 votesaverage score 3.3, by 4 votesaverage score 3.3, by 4 votes (click to vote)

WB approved Admin Tool

User Statistics & User Search

This module creates a consolidated list of all registered users and their pertinent data (e.g. last login, account status, and email links), and integrates comprehensive search functionality.

Version 1.1.10
License GPL
Latest add-ons update 2018-02-14 13:30 UTC
Download Counter 1291
Developer Jacobi22, Christian Sommer,Bernd Michna, Daniel Fankhauser (badknight)
Addon type Admin Tool
Category System Tools
WebsiteBaker Version 2.8.3 SP7 (minimum)
PHP Version 5.6.x
Forum Discussion (EN) Click here to visit
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This module creates a consolidated list of all registered users and their pertinent data. Module need WB 2.8.3 SP7 or newer

Release history

* v1.1.10 stable (jacobi22: 14.02.2018)
- remove command-folder

* v1.1.9 stable (jacobi22: 14.02.2018)
+ show all groups, if the user is in multiple groups (thx to dbs)

* v1.1.8 stable (jacobi22: 10.02.2018)
+ fix issue in rename files (thx to paulchen)

* v1.1.7 stable (jacobi22: 06.02.2018)
+ change fontsize for username - too small (thx to Sky Writer)
+ check versions check in install.php
+ rename some inc-files to file-type = php (prepared for WB 2.11.x)

* v1.1.6 stable (jacobi22: 03.01.2018)
+ fix versions compare in install (thx to Sky Writer)
+ add own w3.css for alternative backend theme's

* v1.1.5 stable (jacobi22: 02.01.2018)
+ little bit styling (thx to Sky Writer)

* v1.1.4 stable (jacobi22: 01.01.2018)
replace info-icon (thx to Sky Writer)

* v1.1.3 stable (jacobi22: 01.01.2018)
+ time difference output (thx to Sky Writer, evaki)

* v1.1.2 stable (jacobi22: 01.01.2018)
+ repair POST-Handling, results works with wrong datas (thx to Sky Writer)
* v1.1.1 stable (jacobi22: 16.12.2017)
+ repair typofix in twig template
- remove timer function for the search hint
+ replace english translation with a native translation (thx to Sky Writer)

* v1.1 stable (jacobi22: 16.12.2017)
+ combined with user search-module (Autors: Bernd Michna, Daniel Fankhauser (badknight))
+ rename it as wbUserstat
+ (special thanks to johnbroeckart, ruud, nibz, hgs & dbs for translations and testing)

* v1.0.4 stable (jacobi22: 25.01.2017)
+ fix specialchars problem in displayname && Username (thx to Blueeyes007)
+ add tool icon to show in AdminTools (WB 2.8.3 SP7 + Patch)

* v1.0.3 stable (jacobi22: 19.04.2016)
+ fix Output array (show Notice in PHP 5.3.28 - thx to hgs)
+ add sortable Groups

* v1.0.2 stable (jacobi22: 06.04.2016)
+ display Usergroups

* v1.0.1 stable (jacobi22: 26.03.2016)
* + add sort function
* + add colored lines for user groups
* + show time since last login in minutes & hours
* + thx for english and dutch translation to CodeaLot & Sky Writer

* v1.0.0 stable (jacobi22: 26.03.2016)
* rebuild to new module structure
see more information in CHANGELOG

Last change 2013-05-25 11:20 UTC by Uwe Jacobsen