WebsiteBaker Modules, Snippets, Admin-Tools


user rating: average score 3.6, by 7 votesaverage score 3.6, by 7 votesaverage score 3.6, by 7 votesaverage score 3.6, by 7 votesaverage score 3.6, by 7 votes (click to vote)

WB approved Admin Tool


Droplets are small chunks of PHP code which will act like a comfortable kind of Search&Replace output filter. They can be used by a simple call in just about any place in the HTML output of WebsiteBaker CMS.

Version 3.4.3
License GPL
Latest add-ons update 2024-01-17 15:16 UTC
Download Counter 2227
Developer Luisehahne
Developer Homepage Click here to visit
Documentation Url Click here to visit
Addon type Admin Tool
Category System Tools
WebsiteBaker Version 2.13.0 (minimum)
PHP Version 8.x
Forum Discussion (EN) Click here to visit
Forum Discussion (DE) Click here to visit

Droplets are small chunks of PHP code which will act like a comfortable kind of Search&Replace output filter. They can be used by a simple call in just about any place in the HTML output of WebsiteBaker CMS.

The call is done by adding the droplet functionname between double square brackets. The functionality will be excecuted just before the output is sent to the client and the result will be replacing the droplet call on its original location.

Parameters that are needed by a droplet are configured in the same way as on url's in your browser.

Droplets were created to be one of the filters, used by the OutputFilter module.

Release history

Version 3.4.3
Fix Error import Droplets

Typofix import Droplets

Version 3.0.0
Temp folder of the backup has changed, the example droplet folder is overwritten in no case more
The droplet files are stored in a Zip.
Droplets to compress are stored from database to the folder .\temp\modules\droplets\tmp
old files would be deleted before backup
The created Zip files are stored in ./modules\droplets\data\archive

Version 2.0.2
Add ConfirmationBox before deleting Droplets
prevent importing code that are no droplets
Fixed some Case-sensitivity
customized design

Version 1.9.2-dev.3
Add missing variable in backup_droplets.php (Thx to BlackBird)

New Version 1.9.2-dev, for WebsiteBaker 2.8.3 SP5 recoded by Luisehahne
New features:
Deleting/Export/Import one or more Droplets at once

Stable Version
little fine tuning like button legende, Ajax-Save for active-Status etc

Initialversion Droplets (WB2.7 version) 0.31 by Ruud, Pcwacht

Last change 2024-01-17 15:54 UTC by WebsiteBaker Addons Project