WebsiteBaker Modules, Snippets, Admin-Tools


user rating: average score 4.3, by 12 votesaverage score 4.3, by 12 votesaverage score 4.3, by 12 votesaverage score 4.3, by 12 votesaverage score 4.3, by 12 votes (click to vote)

WB approved Page Module


Guestbook with captcha en admin approval.

Version 2.10.7
License GPL
Latest add-ons update 2025-03-06 11:54 UTC
Download Counter 4849
Developer Ruebenwurzel, Thorn
Addon type Page Module
Category Forms
WebsiteBaker Version 2.13.0 (minimum)
PHP Version 7.4 | 8.x
Forum Discussion (EN) Click here to visit

A nice guestbook with Captcha support, admin approval and ASP to prevent spam. Uses GeoIP-Module to show flags (optional). Lots of options to style your guestbook into your own template.

Release history

Release History:

v.2.10.7 Mar 06, 2025 (jacobi22 - Thx to RonR for help & testing)
- change control-timer to a shorter value
+ change all header:location targets to the WB_URL, old target in pages directory not longer possible

v.2.10.6 Feb 25, 2025 (jacobi22 - Thx to dbs for help)
- remove included own jquery from backend.js, produce issues in conflict with jquery from WB
+ change all header:location-calls to a newer method (prepared for PHP 8.4)

v.2.10.5 Feb 25, 2025 (jacobi22)
- fixed captcha-error after changes in WB-Core
+ repair delete button in gb-overview (trash) & Entry-detail-view

v.2.10.4 March 04, 2023 (ruebenwurzel)
- removed trailing slashes for HTML5

v2.10.3 Dez 02,2022 (dbs)
- add use 'Template' in gstbk_modify in line 24

v2.9.1 Jan 06,2021 (ruebenwurzel)
- replaced gstbk_add.php with the one from v.2.8.9
- set module platform to 2.13.x

v2.9 Jan 06, 2021 (luisehahne)
- fix add entry in WB 2.13

v2.8.9. Nov 01, 2018 (ruebenwurzel)
- adapted Captcha Call to work with WB 2.12.x (thanks to luisehahne)

v2.8.8 Mar 18, 2017 (ruebenwurzel)
- fix missing TABLE_PREFIX in upgrade.php (thanks to msfrog)
- small fix in search.php

v2.8.7.2 Feb 18, 2016 (Jacobi22)
- fix: repair version number to
- fix: INSERT doesnt support MYSQL Strict Mode
- remove empty inserts from install.php

v2.8.71 March 4, 2014 (Marian Zeyen)
- adapted guestbook for working with IPv6 Adresses
(changed Database 'ip_addr' to 'ip_addr_old'
insert into Database 'ip_addr' as VARCHAR
convert 'ip_addr_old' to plain format and store as VARCHAR in 'ip_addr'
removed all INET_NTOA and INET_ATON from code => all IP adresses (IPv4 and IPv6) are stored plain)

v2.8.7 Nov 26, 2010 (ruebenwurzel)
- adapted guestbook for working with WB 2.9.x
(removed "$database = new database();" from gstbk_add.php)
- fixed an E_STRICT-Notice in PHP 5.x versions
(changed "mktime();" into "time();" in gstbk_save.php)

v2.8.6 Mar 04, 2010 (ruebenwurzel)
- adapted backend to use icons from backend themes

v2.8.5 Dec 26, 2008 (thorn)
- missed to update $module_version for 2.8.4
- removed codepress support
- added editarea support
- added DA language-file, thanks to user Achrist

v2.8.4 Dec 14, 2008 (thorn)
- applied patches to jquery-growfield up to changeset r10, to fix issue with appearing "11\n11"-string
- added missing checkbox (use_format_as_default) in settings

v2.8.3 Dec 11, 2008 (thorn)
- fixed wrong connected radio-button labels
- removed autogrow (jquery-autogrow), not compatible with IE
- added jquery-growfield instead

v2.8.2 Dec 10, 2008 (thorn)
- language: NL language file updated
- IP: added code to show a flag (optional, needs geoip-module >=V1.2)
- IP: added code to perform a whois-query (optional, needs geoip-module >=V1.2)
- template: used phplib's template-system for all backend-files
- template: added comment-block to templates
- template: admins may add {HIDDEN}-tags to hide config-entries
- settings: added textarea for "add-message"-template to settings
- settings: added use of codepress OR autogrow for "format"-textareas in backend
- added store $_SERVER-array to config

v2.8.1 Nov 02, 2008 (thorn)
- added class 'required' to '*' in guestbook-
- fixed some issues with magic_quotes ON/OFF (thanks to user ruebenwurzel)
- add style="display:none !important;" after class="gbcomment" if no comment is present
- added smiley-substitution to comment-field (in view.php)
- changed backend layout as suggested by user Stefek
- added field 'no_entries' in settings
- added display of user-ip in backend
- created smileys.php to change smileys easily as suggested by user Stefek
- added 'commenting' additions from user BerndJM (commenting entires)
- added 'cycling bg-colors' feature suggested by user Stefek
- changed layout in view_entry.php und gbk_modify.php
- removed javascript from gstbk_modify.php

v2.7 Jul 04, 2008 (thorn)
- fixed security issue (missing strip_tags()-call)
- added ASP (Advanced Spam Protection)
- fixed a bug from 2.6

v2.6 Jun 29, 2008 (thorn)
- fixed some security-issues

v2.5 Apr 06, 2008
- added support for edit CSS functions of WB 2.7
- added ` quotes for all DB queries table names and fields to prevent issues with MySQL special chars like -
- changed mechanism to prevent files from beeing accessed directly (redirect instead off displaying an error message)

v2.4 Mar 26, 2008
- Added code for using styles in body to gstbk_page.php (only required for WB 2.6.x)
- Added again update script for the update from 1.x to 2.x
- Added ini_set to view.php for valid SESSION_ID Separator

v2.3 Mar 11, 2008
- added alt tag to smileys
- replaced all "
" with "
" - replaced some "&" with "&" to get valide output code
- fixed hardcoded pathes to /admin directory
- fixed hardcoded pathes to /pages directory
- made guestbook form stylable with frontend.css
- added support for WB 2.7 captcha
- added excerpt search to the modul
- fixed code for using frontend.css/backend.css
- fixed code for editing frontend.css/backend.css
- Added default index.php to all folders to prevent directory spoofing

v2.2 Jan 13, 2008
- Added URL to guestbook to E-Mail message (Thanks to benedikt_seidl)

v2.1 Jan 05, 2008
- Added functionality to edit frontend.css and backend.css from within the modul (Thanks to doc)
- Removed the styles from body and added frontend.css and backend.css
- reorganized all language files
- changed all copyright notices now includes 2008
- Fixed issue with search when guestbook is used in different sections (Thanks to Achrist)

v2.0 Nov 24, 2007
- Added new captcha functionality (Thanks to FunkyMF)
- Added javascript improvement for entries and captcha (Thanks to FunkyMF)
- Added new language variables for captcha to the language files
- Fixed again some short tags.

v2.0RC2 Jan 12, 2007
- Fixed short tags in gstbk_page.php(Thanks to YeShakka)

v2.0RC1 Dec 28, 2006
- added email notification (Thanks to Rob Smith)
- Entry sort in admin now the same as in frontend (Thanks to Rob Smith)
- Added support for ban_mod Modul (Thanks to Rob Smith)
- set default ordering to DESC
- Smileys are now optional
- fixed some minor bugs
- file and code cleaning
- changed all copyright notices now includes 2007
- added new upgrade script wich supports the new upgrade function
of WB 2.6.5

v1.9.1 Dec 11, 2006
- added approval features (Thanks to Phil Emerson)

v1.9. Dec. 07, 2006
- Added smileys to the form

v1.8. Sept. 11, 2006
- Fixed install and update scripts for better working with Mysql 5.x

v1.7. Juli 07, 2006
- Added Smiley replace function (Thanks to Bonkie)
- Fixed Error with chancel when editing an entrie(Thanks to YeShakka)
- Changed all Copyright notices now includes 2006
- Fixed German language file
- Fixed install and update scripts for better working with Mysql 5.x
- Changed default value for Guestbookentriestable from 100% to 98%

v1.6. Januar 25, 2006
- Fixed Problem with captcha code is cached
- Fixed Problem with update scripts

v1.5. December 28, 2005
- Added new multilanguage support

v1.4. December 18, 2005
- Added support for Captcha
- Small layout tweak on settings page

v1.3 November 28, 2005
- Added support for WB 2.6.0
- Fixed all Files are now Unix konform
- Changed Header and Footer Layout in view.php

v1.2 September 26, 2005
- Added custom layout support. Just as is beign possible in the news module.
- Added ability to choose between image or text links for email and homepage.
- Added some comment to make things more clear.
- Fixed a view bugs about not declaring variables.

v1.1c July 26, 2005
- Added language.php to the module.
- in language.php you can tell how sign in link is displayed.
- Changed the message view from the adminend.

v1.1b July 26, 2005
- Signing guestbook separated from viewing.
- Added admin frontend for editing messages.
- Changed entries per page as a fill in.

v1.1 May 16, 2005
- Added "Entries Per Page" functionality.
- Fixed Bug with Email validation JavaScript.

v1.0 April 26, 2005
- Fixed bugs with DB Field names.
- Added Scripts to check the form fields for correct values

v0.1 April 17, 2005
- Initial Release

Last change 2025-03-06 11:54 UTC by Uwe Jacobsen