WebsiteBaker Modules, Snippets, Admin-Tools

Minigallery v2.5.5

user rating: average score 4.5, by 10 votesaverage score 4.5, by 10 votesaverage score 4.5, by 10 votesaverage score 4.5, by 10 votesaverage score 4.5, by 10 votes (click to vote)

Hot Page ModuleWB approved Page Module

Minigallery v2.5.5

A simple image gallery using Lightcase popups

Version 2.5.5
License GPL
Latest add-ons update 2025-01-29 11:54 UTC
Download Counter 6973
Developer Ruud/Dev4me
Developer Homepage Click here to visit
Documentation Url Click here to visit
Addon type Page Module
Category Images & Galleries
WebsiteBaker Version 2.13 (minimum)
PHP Version 7.4 | 8.1

The minigallery module has been a populair gallery module for years now. The original minigallery module was using the populair fancybox plugin, but that one is not working well with the current jQuery versions (1.9 and up). Also when using responsive frameworks the popups were not always build in a correct way. Looking for another popup plugin I found the Lightcase plugin that is working fine and also extends the gallery with some new extra functionalities. Mobile devices are detected and images are shown full screen. Being able to swipe through the images is also a nice extra. For the rest this module is still "mini", so no difficult settings.



Release history

Important: The frontend.css is not compatible with versions below 2.4.0. If you made modifications to your frontend.css make sure to keep a backup before upgrading

v2.5.5 - 01-29-2025 - Jacobi22
- fix "loses precision-error" in picture upload
- change to module version 2.5.5, because, was published to v2.5.4, but declared as 2.5.3

- fixed template problem caused by changes in WB2.13

- fix reading captions with filenames that include single quoted_printable_decode
- remove captions by setting '-' as caption
- css trick (frontend.css) to show captions better on mobile (landscape) devices.
- fixed PHP8 notices
- fixed problem caused by WB2.13 undocumented changes

- Bugfix: Set tables to UTF8 for non-latin characters
- Some small non critical bugfixes

- Bugfix: captions for same filenames in different sections could not be set. Thnx user noname8
- Lightcase gallery plugin updated to v2.5

Important: The frontend.css is not compatible with versions below 2.4.0. If you made modifications to your frontend.css make sure to keep a backup before upgrading

Added sorting of the gallery using drag and drop

Using another script to justify the thumbnails.
Added possibility to set captions per image!!

(Bulk) Upload through drag & drop.
Images now can be deleted one-by-one or all at once
Option to rebuild thumbnails
Masonry script included when images ar not cropped

- images with wrong orientation (i.e. from mobile phones) are automatically rotated
- lightcase updated to verseion 2.3.4

Last change 2025-01-29 12:02 UTC by Uwe Jacobsen