WebsiteBaker Modules, Snippets, Admin-Tools


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Hot Page ModuleWB approved Page Module


This module allows the visitors of your website to comment pages directly from the frontend.

Version 1.1.3
License GPL
Latest add-ons update 2023-01-20 19:49 UTC
Download Counter 1179
Developer Ralf Hertsch, marmot
Addon type Page Module
Category Page content
WebsiteBaker Version 2.13 (minimum)
PHP Version 8.1 | 8.2
Forum Discussion (EN) Click here to visit
Forum Discussion (DE) Click here to visit

This module allows the visitors of your website to comment pages directly from the frontend. Spam Protection with Captcha. The administrator/editorial staff will get automaticly an email an may edit, comment or remove the feedback in the backend. Visitors email address is only visible for the administrator.

Release history

* 1.1.3 - 20.01.2023 (sternchen8875)
* fixed for php 8.2 in zn 1085
* - //$request = htmlspecialchars($request,ENT_QUOTES);
* + $request = htmlspecialchars($request ?? '',ENT_QUOTES);

* 1.1.2 - 08.04.2021 (dbs)
* changed activate/delete links in emails if shorturl is active ( $link / $link2)

* 1.1.1 - 23.09.2018 (dbs)
* fixed: Notice: "A session had already been started - ignoring" in view.php line 44
* fixed: wrong path for add feedback if shorturl is used; line 1133

* 1.1.0 - 19.06.2017 (jacobi22)
* fixed: fix different functions in && class.usecaptcha.php (thx to dbs)
* fixed: some corrections at the INSERT's for MYSQL-STRICT_MODE
* fixed: update forum-links on help pages

* 1.0.1 - 22.11.2015
* fixed: Notice: Undefined property: templateParser::$html in ...\modules\feedback\class.parser.php on line 42

* 1.0.0 - 10.12.2013
* fixed: captcha reload as requested here:
* fixed: captcha is only shown to guests, formerly it was shown to members also but didn't work form members
* added: delete link in feedback notification, thanks to dbs:

* 0.33 - 01.06.2013
* fixed: ' in comment causes error

* 0.32 - 27.11.2010
* added: IT.php, many thanks to Alberto Donzelli für translation

* 0.31 - 07.09.2010
* fixed: Datetime format in NL.php
* fixed: deprecated functions in class.parser.php

* 0.30 - 02.04.2010
* fixed: XSS security patch

* 0.29 - 02.05.2008
* added: NL.php, many thanks to Ad Kalle for translation

* 0.28 - 30.03.2008
* fixed: Problem detecting if user is authenticated

* 0.27 - 30.03.2008
* fixed: WB 2.7: extended captcha don't show calculation operator
* added: option to check comments before publishing
* added: help function for backend

* 0.26 - 08.03.2008
* fixed: date/time string EN.php
* changed: moved email body from template to language file
* fixed: backend don't show actual email address after changing

* 0.25 - 29.02.2008
* added: extended captcha support for WB 2.7.x

* 0.24 - 28.02.2008
* fixed: security lack enables Cross Site Scripting

* 0.23 - 23.02.2008
* fixed: call undefined $_REQUEST['fb_action']

0.22 - 19.02.2008
* added: EN.php
* fixed:

* 0.21 - 22.01.2008
* added: Searching feature

Last change 2023-01-20 19:49 UTC by Harald Spring