WebsiteBaker Modules, Snippets, Admin-Tools


user rating: average score 5.0, by 2 votesaverage score 5.0, by 2 votesaverage score 5.0, by 2 votesaverage score 5.0, by 2 votesaverage score 5.0, by 2 votes (click to vote)


A trend in webdesign is to start a page with a large image with a text placed over it.

Version 0.5
License GPL
Latest add-ons update 2019-03-08 12:05 UTC
Download Counter 903
Developer Ruud Eisinga
Developer Homepage Click here to visit
Addon type Page Module
Category Images & Galleries
WebsiteBaker Version 2.8.x (minimum)
PHP Version 5.6 / 7.x
Forum Discussion (EN) Click here to visit
Download Not available Back

Sliders like the minislider module can help, but sometimes it is not desirable to use a slider. A fixed image that is used to fill the image is then sufficient.
The webdesigner term used for this is a Hero image.

Release history

* v0.5 (march 8, 2019)
* - fixed notice on succesfull saving because of core language changes :(
* - updated prallax.js - fixes problem with jQuery v3
* v0.4 (februari , 2018)
* - bugfix when using quotes in the title (thnx boudi)
* - bugfix mysql strict mode (thnx jacobi22)
* - German translation added (thnx jacobi22)
* - added "magic.css" for more animations
* v0.3 (june 26, 2017)
* - added animate.css and animation settings
* v0.2 (june 21, 2017)
* - added parallax functionality
* v0.1 (june 9, 2017)
* - initial version

Last change 2021-03-09 18:21 UTC by WebsiteBaker Addons Project