WebsiteBaker Modules, Snippets, Admin-Tools

Bakery Webshop

user rating: average score 3.8, by 39 votesaverage score 3.8, by 39 votesaverage score 3.8, by 39 votesaverage score 3.8, by 39 votesaverage score 3.8, by 39 votes (click to vote)

Bakery Webshop

Bakery is a WebsiteBaker shop module with catalog, cart, stock administration, order administration and invoice / delivery note / reminder printing feature.

Bakery has reached its End Of Live. Therefore, we are unable to provide support

Version 2
License GPL
Latest add-ons update 2022-03-29 14:18 UTC
Download Counter 18145
Developer freesbee
Documentation Url Click here to visit
Addon type Page Module
Category WebShops & Catalogs
WebsiteBaker Version 2.10 (minimum)
PHP Version 7
Forum Discussion (EN) Click here to visit
Forum Discussion (DE) Click here to visit
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Bakery is a WebsiteBaker shop module with catalog, cart, stock administration, order administration and invoice / delivery note / reminder printing feature. Payment in advance, invoice, cash on delivery and different payment gateways like PayPal, Mollie or SOFORT Überweisung. Bakery does not seek to be a full-fledged webshop.

WebsiteBaker is a PHP-based content management system which aims to enables users to produce websites with ease.

Bakery has reached its End Of Live. Therefore, we are unable to provide support anymore.

Release history

VERSION1.84 (Florian Meerwinck; 03/29/2018) ! fix security issue in view.php (non-validated post values), thanks to Tonke Hanebuth / perComp Verlag GmbH

VERSION 1.83 (05/30/2017) [stock.php] Fixed typo in ternary operator (thanks to ICE)

VERSION 1.82 (05/17/2017) [save_item.php] Fixed db error in strict mode when saving an item with no image item_attribute_id (thanks to jacobi22)

VERSION 1.81 (05/16/2017)
[modify_order.php] Fixed options of shipping state select
[save_order.php] Fixed setting \\\\\\\"hide country name\\\\\\\", if customer and shop country match (reported by paulchen)
[save_order.php] Fixed state select if setting \\\\\\\"display shipping form\\\\\\\" is always
Fixed some warnings about a non-numeric value
Replaced check for an empty string by the function empty()
Fixed incompatibilities with mysql save mode (requested by gemnb, thanks to jacobi22). Basically set default values for most database fields.

VERSION 1.79 (04/01/2017)
[save_form.php] Added slash / as accepted char to the street address field (reported by fischstäbchenbrenner)
[save_form.php] Added dot . as accepted char to the company address field (reported by Broem)
[backend.css] Added support for the advanced theme wbce flat
[modify.php] Bugfix: Fixed thumbnail alt attribute (undefined index of $main_image)
[view_order.php] Re-added the file view_order.php (reported by KimCR)
[modify_orders.php] Commented view_details button since customer data can be checked at modify_order. Feel free to uncomment it at ca. line 257 if you still want to make use of it.
Added setting: No right of revocation when purchasing digital content (requested by paulchen) See Bakery Forum
Added setting: If customer and shop country match, hide country (requested by paulchen) See Bakery Forum
Changed: In the customer and shipping address the country code is not displayed any more

VERSION 1.78 (07/19/2016)
Fixed problem with single quotes in image title and alt attributes (reported by dbs)
[view_cart.php, search.php] Fixed hardcoded thumb_dir (thanks to Ruud)
Replaced @mktime() by time() function since as of PHP 5.1 mktime() throws a notice when called without arguments
Replaced view order by a feature that allows editing of customer and invoice address data
Changed all js alerts to utf-8
Updated Mollie payment plugin to v1.1 (thanks to Ruud - Dev4me)

VERSION 1.77 (03/19/2016)
[send_invoice.php] Bugfix: Use function getimagesize() with image path since url does not work properly if php ini option allow_url_fopen is set to 0
[pngthumb.php] Added transparency to the png thumb resizing
[view_overview.php, view_item.php] Bugfix: png thumbs did not show up
Updated Lightbox2 to v2.8.2 (responsive slideshow)
[view_overview.php, view_item.php] Changed js method to set the Lightbox2 options
[lightbox2/css/lightbox.css] Moved css definitions of Lightbox2 to file frontend.css
[save_form.php] Bugfix: Escaped hyphens inside of the regexp character class definition of the address form validation
Reworked the character class definitions of the address form regexp patterns using unicode scripts
Removed deprecated list of special latin characters in config.php
[languages/RU.php] Added russian language file
Added cyrillic characters to the address form regexp for russian language support
Added feature to cancel an order. The ordered items will be put back to the stock and the order moved to the archiv

Infos about older versions, see here:
More on:

Last change 2023-02-12 18:59 UTC by WebsiteBaker Addons Project