WebsiteBaker Modules, Snippets, Admin-Tools

Outputfilter Dashboard

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Outputfilter Dashboard

OutputFilters are small PHP programs, which are used on the page’s output to alter it’s content. They may use PHP to alter the page’s content directly, or just inject some Javascript into the page to load. Outputfilter Dashboard is a tool for managing all

Version 1.5.0
License GPL
Latest add-ons update 2016-09-30 12:56 UTC
Download Counter 599
Developer Martin Hecht (mrbaseman)
Developer Homepage Click here to visit
Addon type Admin Tool
Category System Tools
WebsiteBaker Version 2.8.3 (minimum)
Forum Discussion (EN) Click here to visit
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OutputFilters are small PHP programs, which are used on the page’s output to alter it’s content. They may use PHP to alter the page’s content directly, or just inject some Javascript into the page to load. Outputfilter Dashboard is a tool for managing all these filters

Release history


1.5.0 %(mrbaseman, 29 Sept 2016)%
- fetch $page_id from constant !PAGE_ID! for all cases
- automagically initialize the global filter list
- allow to sort filters via drag&drop
- make exported filter human-readable
- improve processing of formatting of documentation
- when exporting a filter create a filter.php file
- during export also insert placeholders introduced in version 1.4.4
- allow to convert between inline filters and plugin filters
- added to move filters up in the list during installation - search for pre-existing module filters during installation of opf
- cleaned up backend_body.js
- support backend filtering, provided that the class "Tool" exists and the settings have been converted to modules
In case you have created a filter which screws up the backend completely, add the following line to your global !config.php! of your WB installation
> define('WB_OPF_BE_OFF', 'off');
The value doesn't really matter, just if the constant is defined, there will no filter be applied to the backend and you have access to the dashboard again and you can fix the filters.

*this version is a major re-engineering of the module with the goal to use it without PMF.*
Special thanks to all who have tested and especially to NorHei for fruitful discussions and for providing additional testing ressources.

1.4.9 %(mrbaseman, 23 Mar 2016)%
- change cachecontrols filter type to page(last)
- realign code: wrap long lines and set tab width=4
- make help browser work without javascript
- fix css edit for filters that supply css files
- provide export download link when javascript is disabled
- allow to delete filters even without javascript
- added French and Italian language support

1.4.8 %(mrbaseman, 21 Feb 2016)%
- remove unused code part from add_filter to fix array conversion warnings
- update plugin filters to use new placeholders introduced in 1.4.4
*in order to pick up this change you have to remove the example filters before upgrading OpF*
- update documentation: added a section which explains the use of the constants and placeholders

1.4.7 %(mrbaseman, 21 Feb 2016)%
- a couple of cosmetic bugfixes (correctly display Umlauts in filter list, replace German ss special char with ss in filter description, remove unused filter_id from template parsing, properly initialize TPL_EXTRA_FIELDS_BLOCK in edit_filter, fix for using global LANG inside method in WBCE)
- security fix: check ftan for upload
- several fixes for arrays as additional field (like in correct date example)
- fix css edit for filters that provide css

1.4.6 %(mrbaseman, 18 Feb 2016)%
- bugfix: do not allow moving up uppermost filter
- switch from FTANs to IDKEYs in many places of the backend

1.4.5 %(mrbaseman, 09 Feb 2016)%
- update documentation layout
- include example plugins again
- update patch check
- merge in Stefek's changes, thanks for your contribution and for your ideas you have contributed
- automatically remove naturaldocs sources during install
- various minor changes to make it working in upcoming wb-classic releases

1.4.4 %(Stefek, 05 Feb 2016)%
- added the following tokens to apply instead of hardcoded pathes within OpF-Plugins:
> {SYSVAR:WB_URL} = will replace with the content of the Constant WB_URL
> {SYSVAR:WB_PATH} = will replace with the content of the Constant WB_PATH
> {OPF:PLUGIN_URL} = will replace with WB_URL.'/modules/outputfilter_dashboard/plugins/{your_plugin}'
> {OPF:PLUGIN_PATH} = will replace with WB_PATH.'/modules/outputfilter_dashboard/plugins/{your_plugin}'

- added 2 CONSTANTS to work with OPF Plugins
the path and url to the plugins folder is very long and is being used extensivly in Filters,
therefore the constants are a convenient addition.
The URL is
> OPF_PLUGINS_URL = [ WB_URL.'/modules/'.basename(dirname(__FILE__)).'/plugins/' ]

1.4.3 %(mrbaseman, 03 Feb 2016)%
- fix ftan for sp5 and for singletab mode in earlier versions
- a couple of fixes for the additional fields loop
- correctly unregister from pmf

1.4.2 %(mrbaseman, 29 Jan 2016)%
- add default value for %$opt% in opf_controller

1.4.1 %(mrbaseman, 26 Jan 2016)%
- fix headers/ftan issue for latest WB versions

1.4.0 %(mrbaseman, 26 Jan 2016)%
- All references to PMF removed
- first release of the new series: removed dependencies from pmf
- use phplib templates and usual language files instead of the solutions of PMF
- removed cache functions which are disabled by default and for practical use anyway
- switched from tokens to ftan support
- update documentation (current patches and removed references to PMF from the documentation as well)

1.3.4 %(thorn, 07 Aug 2010)%
- fixed a issue with the CSS-Editor: it may loss all data on save under special circumstances.
- fixed wrong usage of pmf_fetch_clean() after pmf has changed order of parameters in this function.
- fixed docu about Simple HTML Dom Parser
- added function opf_register_document_ready() to use jQuery's $(document).ready() to register JS in page's section. - changed opf_insert_frontend_files() to add additional JS before the closing instead directly after .

Last change 2021-05-19 11:54 UTC by Harald Spring